Try before you buy - 10 day free trial

To get a free 10 day trial or purchase the Opacus Thunderbird Professional Extension please follow the steps below:

  1. Install the extension into Thunderbird *Use the right version!
  2. Navigate to Tools > Opacus SugarCRM Settings
  3. In the connection settings, enter your SugarCRM hostname, username and password.
  4. Click on Test Settings.
  5. Once the settings have been verified, navigate to the License tab of the settings dialogue box.
  6. Click on Free Trial and follow the instructions.

If you have any problems, please let us know at

*Versions If you are using SugarCRM 6.2 and above, please use this version of the Thunderbird Extension (currently at version 0.95). Otherwise use the older Pro version (currently at 1.18. This version will eventually be deprecated).